Vanilla Tiramisu Tea by Bloom Teas – A Tea for Coffee Drinkers

Vanilla Tiramisu tea by Bloom Teas

There’s a certain dose of wickedness in mixing two of the favourite morning drinks – coffee and tea. may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but if you like the idea, this blend is worth trying. Vanilla Tiramisu tea is, in fact, nothing like a cup of espresso tea.

What is it like?

What is Vanilla Tiramisu?

Vanilla Tiramisu is a flavoured blend from , crafted to pay respect to the popular Italian dessert. It contains Sri Lankan black tea, cocoa shells, coffee beans, cinnamon, calendula petals, sunflower petals, vanilla pieces, and natural vanilla flavouring. A whole lot of ingredients for one tea bag, but yet there are all there and you can see them all – even a coffee bean. Bloom Teas uses non-plastic pyramidal bags, so you can see all the ingredients clearly – beautiful huge cocoa shells, whole coffee beans, pretty and all the petals. The first thing we noticed? That it has an amazin scent.

Vanilla Tiramisu Espresso Black tea by Bloom Teas
© All That Tea

How to Espresso Black Tea?

To keep truthful to the name, we brewed Vanilla Tiramisu tea in smaller cups – only 100 ml. And that seems like the perfect cup for this tea. 2 grams per tea bag may not be a lot of tea, so to get the best flavour, using less water may be a good idea.

The first infusion was steeped at 2.5 minutes at nearly boiling water.

And… it’s extremely nice – well rounded, creamy, with just enough cocoa and coffee notes to give you a feeling you are drinking a liquid dessert. Cocoa is prevalent – just like a first bite of a delicious tiramisu dusted with fine cocoa powder. Plus, it doesn’t get bitter as it cools down.

Base of this tea is a Sri Lankan tea, which is generally lighter than strong Assams, and a great base for this blend.

We kept the second infusion at 5 minutes. Longer steeping brought out less cocoa and more coffee notes, with a tiny spicy touch. But not of spices, though, more like the spiciness of black tea and coffee. It’s deeper and stronger, but still light enough to be enjoyed with no condiments.

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Both infusions have pretty, dark copper and transparent colour and a refreshing lightness – just like a real tiramisu.

Although Vanilla Tiramisu tea is nothing like a cup of strong dark espresso, it makes a great afternoon tea, especially if you want to replace coffee. Regardless of the lightness, brewed with 2 , it would be great as a too. We see it as a great daily office blend or an afternoon treat.

Brewed espresso black tea
© All That Tea

Tea Recap

Water or ? Water

Day or night? Day

Hot or ? Hot, but cold tastes great too.

Sweetened or Pure? Pure

Caffeine? Yes

What’s the price? Starting from 4.50 GBP for a pouch with 10 tea bags.

Where to buy? Get Vanilla Tiramisu from Bloom Teas Amazon Store.


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