
All That Tea (“website”, “we”) is an online tea magazine that provides educational information on tea and related topics and tea reviews and related products reviews. Information on the website is for the educational/informational purposes only and can’t replace professional advice from healthcare providers or other professionals.

Please read this disclaimer before using the website.

We reserve the right to change the information in this disclaimer when needed.

Last updated February 28th, 2023


All content on this website is for informational/educational purposes only. It cannot be used to replace the opinion from a medical professional. Content on this website is not endorsing the usage of any ingredients or products for self-treatments.

While the information provided is thoroughly researched and based on experience and knowledge, it does not imply it will be suitable for your personal needs. Every individual will have different needs and different reactions to specific food and drinks. You take sole responsibility for including ingredients (teas, herbs and others) into your diet, so please consult your healthcare provider beforehand.

This website may feature drinks and teas that may be illegal to consume below a certain age – such as products containing alcohol, recipes for tea cocktails, etc. This content is not intended for readers that are under the legal consumption or purchase age of mentioned products.


© All That Tea – Unauthorized personal or commercial use of whole or any part of the content, including text and images, is not allowed.

All That Tea keeps copyright to posted content, including reviews, images, videos, guides, and any other written or visual content. Any unauthorised use by third parties will result in take-down requests and potential compensation request, depending on the type of breach.

The content on All That Tea cannot be used for training artificial intelligence or machine learning algorithms. Any information pulled from this site must state source and be properly cited.

Link sharing on social media is permitted given the link source and information is intact.

All authors whose content may be posted on this website will reserve their copyright for their original work. In case of guest blogs or other author’s work published on this website, we are not responsible for any copyright breeches by the author.

Copyrighted content may be available for use upon request and only after our written approval. Please use the contact form for your enquires.


All teas and related products on the website are selected independently and represent a personal opinion of the author and are not sponsored unless a sponsor is clearly stated. Articles and reviews may contain affiliate links and earn us a small provision that helps to keep this site alive with no cost to you.

Products and affiliate partners this website is endorsing/mentioning are carefully selected and, in most cases, personally tested. We are not responsible for any problems and damages that may arise from the usage of other websites or services through affiliate links posted on this website.

For the purposes of the affiliate links, this website is using cookies. Read more on how they are used in our Privacy Policy.


Content on this website is not sponsored unless clearly stated. All products are chosen because of their quality, uniqueness, flavours, or other characteristics and are not gifted unless this is clearly stated.

This website is endorsing products based on their real characteristics. Each product featured in reviews is personally tested to make sure we are recommending only the best products. All products that have been tasted in categories besides tea reviews are marked as “tasted”. All recipes have been created from a scratch and tested before being published on the website. Personal taste may affect how you perceive these recipes and reviews.

In case of a sponsored content, we may receive compensation for our honest feedback such as gifted products or financial compensation.


We are not responsible for any damage, direct and indirect, including financial, material, health, business or any other damages that may arise from use and misuse of this website.

By using the information on this website, you accept the sole responsibility in the event of dissatisfaction, misuse or other events that may arise from using the information found on this website.

By using this website, you acknowledge you are familiar with this disclaimer and privacy policy and take sole responsibility for the use of the content.