BOH – Jasmine Green – Malaysian Jasmine Tea

Cup of brewed BOH jasmine green tea

Classic jasmine comes from China, and it’s one of the most popular scented teas in the world. Although a majority of made with Chinese green tea, other countries, such as Japan and Sri Lanka, are producing it too! Of course, each of them has its own charm and if you like jasmine tea, trying different types is super fun. Jasmine green tea from BOH comes from Malaysia, and it’s made with Malaysian grown green tea leaves – definitely not your usual green tea.

Malaysian green tea

What’s in Jasmine Green Tea?

BOH, a tea company with a 100-year history, is the biggest producer. If you visit Malaysia, there’s a high chance you’ll run into BOH’s teas. You can get them from supermarkets, and you’ll find them in hotels too. This Jasmine green tea comes from Cameron Highlands, where most of Malaysian tea is growing. It’s flavoured with a natural jasmine flavour, and it smells absolutely delicious.

What’s also interesting is that Malaysia is not only producing small quantities of tea, but most of its tea is black.

Ever heard of Teh Tarik? It’s a type of Malaysian , and it’s easy to make at home too!

Boh Jasmine green tea is very far from a typical from a regular supermarket jasmine teas. It’s playful, vibrant, fresh, with a beautiful and intense jasmine scent. It almost feels as if you are smelling fresh flowers, rather than tea. The whole blend feels light and airy.

This tea is available only in classic tea bags.

indiviual tea bag

How to brew this tea?   

To make the best cup of green tea, always bring fresh water to a boil and let it cool down to 80 degrees Celsius. Steep one tea bag for 2-3 minutes in a cup of water. Temperature is quite important for this tea, as it has a slight astringency if over brewed. However, this is quite common with traditional tea bags, especially with green tea.

brewing tea bag

Once brewed, both scent and flavour are exactly the same as the scent of dry leaves. This tea feels quite rich, with a light natural sweetness. Although this tea can easily be described as a full-bodied green tea, it feels light. While the jasmine scent and flavour are very pronounced, they are not overpowering. Jasmine is present as an aftertaste too.

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Because of a beautiful jasmine scent, this tea is a wonderful choice for a relaxing me-time. Who would like this tea? If you love the scent of jasmine flowers and love full-bodied green teas, you’ll love this tea too. Since it’s quite deep and flavourful, this would be a great tea for making a proper sweetened too. However, if you are prefer classic jasmine teas, you may find the scent too intense.

a cup of jasmine green tea

Tea Recap

Water or milk? Water

Day or night? Day

Hot or iced? Hot or cold

Sweetened or pure? Pure or sweetened.

Caffeine? Yes

What’s the price? $4.40

Where to buy? Get it from BOH website.

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