Tag: rooibos tea

Banana Shake herbal rooibos tea

Banana Shake – Banana Flavoured Herbal Tea

Red rooibos is the most popular herbal base for creating flavoured herbal tea blends. That doesn’t really come as a surprise. Red rooibos has a deep colour and rich flavour that goes…

sticky toffee pudding tea

Sticky Date Delight – A Sticky Toffee Pudding Tea

These days, dessert teas are not quite what they used to be. What was once considered a dessert tea was a tea of a higher quality and complex aromatic flavour that was…

Organic Green Rooibos tea Tick Tock

Tick Tock Organic Green Rooibos Tea

Red rooibos has been around for a couple of decades, and if you love herbal teas, there’s a high chance you’ve already tried it. But have you tried green rooibos yet? With…

Inner Peace Roiibos Ashwagandha Superblend Twinings

Twinings Inner Peace – rooibos + ashwagandha superblend

It’s been a while since Twinings introduced the first superblends. Over the years, they’ve added many other teas and the superblend range is now more exciting than ever. Twinings Inner Peace is…

Plum Tart tea - Biscuit & Brew Tea House

Plum Tart – Caffeine-free Dessert Tea

Less than a decade ago, a dessert teas was a refined high quality unflavoured or flavoured tea enjoyed on special occasions. But today, there’s a whole new world of dessert teas that…

Herbal Sticky Chai by Chala Chai

Herbal Sticky Chai by Chala Chai

If you are a chai lover, there’s no greater joy than finding the perfect blend. Chai is available in many styles and types, which makes the quest to find the best one…

Blueberry Muffin tea

Blueberry Muffin tea by Simple Loose Leaf

Can a tea smell like a fresh batch of blueberry muffins? Blueberry Muffin tea is a simple tea with serious intentions – to give you a liquified, calorie-free treat in a cup.…

Rooibos aloe and honeydew tea by Nothing But Tea

Rooibos Aloe and Honeydew Tea by Nothing But Tea

About 20 years ago, rooibos was a rare tea with a distinctive flavour. It wasn’t liked by everyone. Many things changed. In the last decade, rooibos became a top herbal base for…

Jaffa cake blend

Jaffa Cake Tea by Birdhouse

Making a tea that should taste just like a popular sponge and jelly cake is not an effortless task. So, it doesn’t come as a surprise that Jaffa cake tea blends are…

Strawberry Milkshake by BRUU

Strawberry Milkshake tea, a milkshake in a teacup?

For ice cream and milkshakes, strawberries, chocolate and vanilla are classic flavours. Milkshakes are just like ice cream, creamy, cold and indulgent, and a perfect treat on a hot summer day. Would…