Tag: milk

White tea with milk

Can you drink white tea with milk?

White tea has a reputation for being the lightest, most delicate type of tea. But there’s more than just one type of white tea. In fact, there are hundreds of them, and…

Iced Pink Tea

How to Make Iced Pink Tea

Making a pink tea is a science and getting the perfect pink colour is not always as straightforward as it sounds. To get the perfect pink colour and the best flavour, you…

Banana Milkshake recipe

Black Tea & Banana Milkshake

Milkshakes can be much more than just shaken milk and ice cream. With a few more ingredients, you can turn a simple milkshake into a proper dessert in less than 10 minutes.…

cold brewing tea in milk

How to Steep Tea in Milk

Tea makes water taste better. It’s a common fact all tea drinkers know. But a less common one is that tea can make any milk taste better too. Yes, you can steep…