Tag: brewing tea

how to make the best iced tea

How to make iced tea?

Iced tea is so much more than a cup of tea with ice. If you ever tried simply adding ice to brewed tea, you probably noticed it tastes nothing like the drinks…

Cold brew vs hot brew tea

Cold Brew vs Hot Brew Tea – Which is Better?

Over the last couple of years, cold brewing gained lots of attention from both tea drinkers and scientists. What was once considered the ultimate brewing method to extract the most nutrients and…

how to cold brew tea

How to cold brew tea

If you are new to tea, cold brewing may sound like a complicated method, but there’s no easier way to make tea. This article will teach you everything you need to know…

How to make milk tea

How to Make Classic Milk Tea in Only 5 Steps

Make a cup of tea, add some milk and there it is, a milk tea. Is it really that simple? Making a perfect cup of milk tea is not as straightforward as…

Can you mix tea and coffee

Can You Mix Tea and Coffee?

Mixing tea and coffee may sound strange, but together, they make a pretty delicious drink. Tea and coffee share a lot in common – both contain caffeine, both may have either a…

tea questions and answers

6 Tea Questions All Tea Beginners Have + Solutions

Tea drinking can be quite a serious endeavour. With thousands of options, hundreds of potential benefits, uncountable flavours and a very little time to try them all, enjoying every cup of your…

How to make chai

7 Ways to Make Chai + Their Pros and Cons

There’s no doubt chai is one of the top cool season drinks. But before it became popular in the west, it was a traditional Indian tea (and still is), made using traditional…

cold brewing tea in milk

How to Steep Tea in Milk

Tea makes water taste better. It’s a common fact all tea drinkers know. But a less common one is that tea can make any milk taste better too. Yes, you can steep…